Is POF-USA Going Out of Business?

Is POF-USA Going Out of Business

If you are a firearms enthusiast, then it’s normal to ask, ‘Is POF-USA  going out of business?’ really, you are not the only one asking this same question. That’s because in the world of firearms, few companies have made as significant an impact in the 21st century as Patriot Ordnance Factory, also known as POF-USA.

So, with recent events swirling around the company, it’s natural to begin asking questions. If you have also been hearing speculations about the potential closure of this innovative firearms manufacturer, then you should read this post to the end.

Here, we will bring answers to many questions you might have in your mind concerning POF-USA. You won’t want to miss out on that.

A Closer Look at POF-USA

Let’s start with the basics. Patriot Ordnance Factory, or POF-USA, is a firearms company based in Phoenix, Arizona. The company is renowned for being the first manufacturer and seller of gas-piston-operated weapon systems on AR-style rifles in the United States.

POF-USA specializes in manufacturing and distributing law enforcement, military, and civilian rifles, making them a significant player in the firearms industry.

Founded in 2002 by aerospace engineer Frank DeSomma, POF-USA set out to solve common issues with the traditional AR-15, particularly problems related to carbon fouling and short-barreled timing in dusty conditions. DeSomma brought his extensive aerospace engineering experience to the firearms industry, resulting in a series of innovations that have set POF-USA apart.

The company developed the Regulated Short-Stroke Gas Piston System, which offered a significant improvement over the direct impingement method used in traditional AR-15s. This technology not only resolved the carbon fouling issue but also ensured that the firearms operated cooler and more reliably.

Despite these innovations and a strong market presence, the company has been surrounded by rumors of potential closure, especially following the recent tragic death of founder Frank DeSomma in an auto accident.

DeSomma was a respected figure in the firearms industry, with more than a dozen firearm-related patents to his name. His passing has left a void in the company and has fueled speculation about the future of POF-USA. But is POF-USA going out of business, really? Let’s find out!

Is POF-USA Going Out of Business?

Now, let’s tackle the big question. Well, the simple answer is that POF-USA is not going out of business – not now or anytime soon.

While there are speculations about its potential closure flying around in the industry, there has not been any official statement from the company concerning this. And with the recent moves made by the company, such as releasing new models of their riffles, it doesn’t look like POF-USA will be throwing in the towel soon.

So, Where Did the Rumor Come From?

If POF-USA is not waving the white flag yet, then what is the source of this rumor ravaging the firearms industry? Why is everyone asking, ‘Is POF-USA going out of business?’

We think recent events surrounding the company have fueled this speculation. In June, the firearms community mourned the loss of POF-USA’s founder, Frank DeSomma, in a tragic traffic accident.

This is a significant figure behind the innovations happening in POF-USA. So, people see his death as the potential end of the company. Hence, the reason for the rumor!

Apart from that, POF-USA has recently faced some challenges, including legal disputes and issues fulfilling orders for products. The company is currently involved in a lawsuit with Hogan, a company that once manufactured components for POF-USA but has since started producing rifles that closely resemble those of POF-USA.

Hogan has even gone as far as stating that POF-USA is out of business. However, POF-USA has not made any official statements confirming these rumors. So, everything still remains a rumor!

POF-USA Founder Died in Auto Crash

As we already pointed out, the recent death of Frank DeSomma in a car accident has only added to the uncertainty surrounding POF-USA’s future.

DeSomma was a driving force behind the company, and his passion for firearms and commitment to innovation were crucial to POF-USA’s success. With his untimely passing, there are questions about how the company will continue to innovate and whether it can maintain its position in the market.

Some have linked his death to the rumors of the company’s potential closure, although there is no concrete evidence to support this.

Was POF-USA Involved in Any Lawsuits?

Intriguingly, POF-USA has found itself entangled in legal battles. The company was sued by Hogan, a manufacturer that used to supply components for POF. Hogan has accused POF-USA of not fulfilling payment obligations.

In response, POF-USA filed a counterclaim. The legal dispute has further complicated the situation and raised questions about the financial stability of POF-USA.

What Is the Company Saying About the Rumor?

POF-USA has been relatively quiet regarding the rumors of its potential closure. The company has not released any official statements to confirm or deny the rumors. However, it is worth noting that POF-USA has continued to release new models of rifles, which could be interpreted as a sign that the company is still operational and looking to maintain its market presence.

What Are Some Popular Guns from POF-USA?

Now, let’s shift our focus to the exciting part – POF-USA’s impressive lineup of firearms. Here are some fan-favorite models that have captivated the market.

  • Patriot P415 Edge: The P415 is one of POF-USA’s most popular models, known for its reliability and innovative design. It features the patented Regulated Short-Stroke Gas Piston System, reducing recoil and enhancing overall performance.
  • Revolution: The Revolution is another standout model from POF-USA, capturing the market with its lightweight design and impressive performance. The gun offers precision and power, making it a favorite among long-range shooters.
  • Patriot P308: This is a versatile and potent .308 rifle. The P308 combines the best of both worlds, offering the power of a battle rifle with the modularity of an AR-15.
  •  P19 Gentlemen’s Pistol: This compact pistol is a favorite for concealed carry, with its sleek design and dependable performance.

Is POF-USA Going Out of Business in the Future?

As of now, the future of POF-USA remains uncertain. The legal battles and the loss of its visionary founder have cast a shadow of doubt. However, the company’s commitment to innovation and the release of new firearm models suggest that the company could overcome its current challenges and continue to be a major player in the industry.

Is POF-USA Going Out of Business – Final Note

While there are rumors and challenges surrounding POF-USA, there is no clear sign that the company is going out of business. There is no official statement to this effect, and there is no sign the company is struggling financially, which is typical of a company on the brink of closing down.

The company has a strong legacy of innovation and quality, and despite the hurdles it faces, there is a chance it could continue to thrive in the future. Only time will tell what the future holds for POF-USA.


What does POF stand for in POF-USA?

POF stands for Patriot Ordnance Factory. The “USA” in POF-USA underscores the company’s roots and operations in the United States, specifically in Phoenix, Arizona.

Does POF make good guns?

Yes, POF-USA is widely recognized for producing high-quality firearms. The company’s innovative approach, particularly in developing the Regulated Short-Stroke Gas Piston System, has resulted in rifles that operate more reliably than many traditional AR-15s.

Their firearms are praised for their smooth shooting, easy control, and lightweight design. The company has balanced various components of its guns to provide a shooting experience that has minimal recoil and muzzle movement, further testifying to the quality of its products.

Where is POF-USA located?

POF-USA is located in Phoenix, Arizona. Since its establishment in 2002, the company has been dedicated to manufacturing and distributing different types of rifles from this location. POF-USA has a strong commitment to innovation, quality, and customer service, all centered on its base in Phoenix.

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