4 Virtual Engaging Ideas for Your Remote Team

4 Virtual Engaging Ideas for Your Remote Team

Remote work has been on the rise for the past several years but with the sudden outbreak of a global pandemic in 2020, even the organizations that didn’t believe in the power of working from a distance had no choice but to join the bandwagon. Statistics tell us that more than 60% of employees work remotely at least occasionally, and 16% of companies worldwide are fully-remote. 

Remote workers tend to be happier, more engaged, and more productive. In addition, businesses that offer flexible and remote work options are more appealing to top talent, helping companies land and retain a competitive workforce. 

However, managing and engaging remote employees can sometimes be a challenge. If you’re struggling with finding ideas to engage your virtual teams, the following 4 tips should be enough to help you get started. 

#1: Foster Open Communication

Many remote workers, especially those that are outside the headquarters’ time zone or work nontraditional hours, can find it hard to feel like a part of the team. While it is not possible to expect everyone to be available 24/7, knowing that they can reach out and stay in touch with their superiors and coworkers through digital communication channels can help remote employees feel more connected. Social collaboration software, live chat tools, and online communities are all examples of how technology can help include virtual workers in both work-related and informal discussions. 

Be sure to take everyone’s time zone into consideration when sending emails or setting meeting times. For example, if you want to send an email at noon in your time zone to an employee who’s already clocked out for the day, let them know that you don’t expect an immediate response.

#2: Make Time for Fun

When remote team members feel involved in projects and connected to their colleagues, they can be among your happiest and most productive employees. However, if they start feeling left out or isolated, that can change quickly.

Office parties and happy hours are one of the best proactive steps you can take to prevent remote employee isolation. However, since in-person gatherings are not an option for employees working from home, you need to find a way for them to take part in such events. 

Thanks to technology, office parties can now take place in the digital world. Whether it is a virtual happy hour to celebrate the end of a successful week, a Christmas party, a birthday, or someone’s promotion, incorporating fun in the workplace is an excellent way to engage your staff and make everyone feel engaged, motivated, and connected.

#3: Make Sure Your Employees Feel Appreciated

Every single one of your employees deserves to feel heard and valued, even those working from a distance. Since you are not in the workspace with them every day to take them out to lunch for their anniversary or simply extend a thank you for a job well done, you need to find other ways to show your appreciation

Besides the above-mentioned virtual parties, you can also show how much your employees’ hard work means to you by sending them a virtual gift card or simply scheduling a team call to recognize their efforts. It’s the simple acts that show you care. 

In addition, ensure that your remote workers can always come to you with any questions or concerns. Make it clear that you’re available for one-on-one meetings, and make sure to listen and act upon the information or feedback your receive.

#4: Encourage Health and Wellness

Taking care of your employees’ health and wellbeing is not only beneficial to them; it also creates a productive working environment that benefits your business. Physically and mentally healthy individuals are more engaged, motivated, and creative.

Consider providing your remote employees with links to online yoga and meditation sessions. You can also create a mental health toolkit by curating a list of resources to support people with mental health issues and share it with your remote teams, offer a healthcare package that includes cover for counselors and psychologists, offer an annual wellbeing bonus, or simply encourage them to choose a day in the next few weeks or months to just take off and recharge.

Final Thoughts

It’s becoming more and more obvious that remote work isn’t going anywhere. This means that understanding how to engage and manage your remote team members is more important than ever. Luckily, these four tips can help you get started and keep your remote workforce happy, motivated, and productive all year long.