Getting married is always an adventure, but marrying an entrepreneur at the beginning of their entrepreneurial life is an especially tricky process. It is a difficult journey for both partners to be able to balance both situations without getting in each other’s personal space. Time management, among the various challenges, can often send your marriage into troubled waters. If you are an entrepreneur or getting married to one, you may be worried that your marriage is doomed to fail.
We have compiled a list for everyone getting married while starting a new business. These tips might help you save both. Don’t skip!
Marriage and Business
Here’s the thing: There are many people who are setting the perfect example of managing a successful business and maintaining a healthy family life. So to address your concerns, it is very much possible to manage both. A person’s commitment to their career or work does not minimize their love for their spouse. In other words, both can be a work in progress simultaneously.
The secret of a successful marriage is to have a work-life balance, whether you are an entrepreneur or not. Remember, they’re equally important; you cannot prioritize either one above the other. Focusing on one can sabotage the other.
For example, allocating all your time to your spouse displays your lack of commitment to work, but choosing to neglect your marriage due to your work demands can convince your significant other that you don’t really love them. There has to be a harmonious balance for both to complement each other.
One great example of a healthy marriage is when both partners are on the same page with securing their business finances, particularly if you are a business owner.
Communicate with your significant other regarding their views on appointing prenuptial agreement lawyers to sort out how your assets should be managed. Transparency with your partner is crucial. You may not think that it’s important, but in the event of a divorce, it will protect your assets and finances.
Coming back to how to maintain a good work-life balance, here are six items to protect your marriage and thrive as a business owner.
1. Table Work-Talk
Rule number one: Your clients may be very happy to hear about your new beginning, but they probably don’t want to listen to all the details. It’s not any different for your partner. They are super proud of your work achievements, but it shouldn’t be the only thing that consumes you. Have a sense of balance during conversations with both parties.
This pro tip is more applicable for your partner, as they can easily feel supplanted by your work life.
2. Practice Tech-Free Time
Your phone or work device enables you to work remotely. But that can sometimes backfire in your marriage. Being accessible on your device 24/7 will interfere with your family time. Being able to answer your clients’ queries while at home can be a huge convenience for you, but your spouse will probably disagree.
Studies state that being on your device all the time can often lead to depression and be the cause of marital dissatisfaction. Be smart about how you divide your hours between your work and your spouse.
So even if you use your devices to boost your remote work, make sure you are allowing yourself some device and tech-free time to show your spouse that you are able to offer them undivided attention. You’ll surely be earning bonus points if you practice this regularly.
3. Maintain Common Interests
Find common interests with your spouse. If you don’t invest in spending time together doing fun and interesting activities, your marital life will not be as exciting as you’d wish.
Think of family activities, game nights, or social events that you can take part in weekly. Hobbies are also a great option to show your creative side to your partner. Besides your business, what interests you?
Hit the gym together, or simply come up with fun topics to talk about over dinner. Plus, it will personally help you take your mind off work. Working 24/7 can take a toll on your mental health too, so it’s important to do other things to maintain your well-being.
Take steps to make time for each other. These efforts will not only build a good foundation for your marriage, but your productivity at work will also increase when you start taking small breaks for your partner. Best of both worlds!
4. Little Steps Make a Big Difference
A happy marriage consists of the little efforts that make a big difference in the quality of your relationship with your partner. Just a simple gesture of drinking your morning coffee together can make your partner’s day!
Find out ways to do little things to show how much you care. As the saying goes, when someone truly cares for you, they will make efforts, not excuses.
5. Discuss Your Work Goals
If you want your partner to support your ambition, you should start sharing your vision with them. Communication is key, especially in a marriage. It’s not just about your vision, either: Whenever you are facing a work challenge, open up to your partner. Tell them what’s bothering you. You may have a confidant there, and something great may come out of it too.
If you have plans of making a big move in your career, discuss it with your partner. It’s as simple as that. Don’t keep things from them, when it comes to making big decisions. Partners like to be involved in your thought process, including integrated business planning.
If you are worried about how they might feel about it, express your concerns as well. It is totally worth the effort.
6. Make Date Night a Priority
The key to a successful marriage takes work, commitment, and love. If you want to truly enjoy a healthy married life, you must grow into the habit of making efforts for your partner. Start with date nights. Once a week, or twice a week should be totally dedicated to quality time over your favorite meals. As an entrepreneur, it’s often challenging to find time, but we say you make time!
This is something that both of you can look forward to. Even if you have had the busiest week, a date night can bring you back to base with your loved one. When we say date night, we mean the full-swing romance night.
Having some alone time between couples is extremely important for the overall relationship, so go all out! Dress up, flirt away, and tell them you love them.
“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” It’s also important to consider that in reality, there’s no such thing as a perfect marriage, but if you allow yourself to make these little efforts, your marriage will be a smooth and fun ride, on most days.
We truly hope you have enjoyed learning about how getting married while starting a business can be managed at the same time. You can save both your marriage and your business by following a few simple tips and tricks.
We wish you nothing but happiness and good luck!