Space-saving ideas for the office

Space-saving ideas for the office

Without careful planning, the office environment can quickly start to feel a little cramped. With paperwork piling up on desks, wires, and tech filling up the surfaces, suddenly, the office is not conducive to productivity.

But with a few swaps and a little organization, you can create extra room in the office and a little breathing space for staff.

Go paperless

One way to quickly remove the clutter of the office is going paperless. Online document signing, scanning in files and cloud-based services can streamline the office while also improving your carbon footprint. It’ll also help keep the office a little bit less messy.

What’s more, with less paper to physically file, you’ll need fewer filing cabinets. Wall space that would have been taken up by clunky cabinets previously can be used for positive art or even a vertical garden.

Mount the desks

mount desks

Desks are obviously an integral part of office furniture – whether you have an agile or traditional workplace. While the classic offer desk is clunky and oversized, a wall-mounted or a sit stand desk can be discreet and out of the way until needed. In addition, Wall mounting desks will free up a lot of space around the office, and as they can be folded away when not in use, they’re perfect for making your cleaner’s job a lot easier.

Sit stand desks are great for the agile worker and encourage staff to get up and about while at work. A sedentary lifestyle can cause all sorts of health issues, but with the option to stand at work, you could be providing a positive and appreciated boost to your employee’s health.

Mobile monitors

While you’re busy mounting the desks, you can also mount the monitors. Monitor mounts give staff plenty of flexibility to sit down or stand up while working, share their screen with other employees or push the monitor out of the way while they work on paper. Plus, mounts mean the monitors will no longer be taking up precious space on the desk.


Undoubtedly, there will be stationary, old gadgets, and leftover stock that no longer gets used taking up space at the office. If the office is small, all this unwanted stuff can seriously impact the amount of space you’ve got to work in.

To start with your new neater, cleaner and roomier office, you first need to declutter. And everyone should get involved. Get everyone on board with the more minimalist style you’re looking for so that they can decide what should stay and what needs to go.

Add cleaning to the schedule

Once the initial cleaning is done, it’s important to make sure the clutter doesn’t build back up. Adding a moment for cleaning onto the calendar or daily schedule will help staff keep on top of their belongings and stock. That way, there will be less to get rid of in one go.

Creating a more spacious office area is pretty easy. But, with a big declutter, a few furniture upgrades, and a new mindset, you could find yourself with too much room!