7 Steps To Optimize Your Online Job Application Form

Online Job Application Form

Paper job applications are continuing to become obsolete with each passing day. That’s why many companies are opting for online job applications. Research shows that 70-80% of job applications that executive recruiters receive are online job applications.

Online job applications are gaining massive popularity thanks to the incredible benefits it offers companies. For instance, it can save organizations a lot of money in the long run, and it also allows them to easily compare candidates’ skills. In addition, online job application gives companies the chance to ask the candidates precise questions.

But how can you optimize your online job application form to attract high-quality candidates for your company? This is one of the questions that many companies tend to ask themselves. Fortunately, there are a number of ways that companies can optimize their online job application forms. This article discusses steps to help companies optimize their online job application forms. Let’s delve into them.

1. Set clear expectations

One of the first things you can do to optimize your online job application form is to make your applicants understand the ins and outs of the job. You must set clear expectations about what is it that your organization wants.

How can you bring in new employees and expect them to work efficiently if you haven’t highlighted what the job requires? Many job postings are often very vague and don’t outline clearly what the position requires and the kind of work involved. This is a mistake that will only make companies attract candidates who are not adequately qualified and cannot help grow the company.

So make sure that you clearly highlight the duties and responsibilities of the position. In addition, you need to include skills required for the position, working hours, etc. This will enable you to get only qualified applicants from the start.

2. Use correct formatting

If you want to attract high-quality candidates for your vacant position, you need to simplify and streamline your online job application form. According to a report from CareerBuilder, more than 60% of candidates can abandon an online application form if it is too lengthy or complex. This is a significant number, so you need to make sure that you optimize your online job application form as much as you can. Make sure that the form is easy to look at and navigate. That way, you will boost its completion rate and have plenty of high-quality candidates to choose from. Make the form short and precise.

3. Incorporate relevant keywords

There is stiff competition out there for high-quality candidates. That’s why you must ensure that your online job application form stands out from the crowd and can enable you to attract high-quality candidates.

To do this, you need to include relevant, target keywords that job seekers are looking for. For instance, you can include important information such as the job title, description, qualifications, and location. These are typically what job seekers are searching for.

Fortunately, there are tools, such as Google Keyword Planner, that can help you choose and use the most relevant keyword for your vacant position. This tool will show you precisely what job seekers are searching for so that you can tailor your online job application form to suit their needs.

4. Optimize your form for mobile

It is no secret that most job searches, whether through job boards or Google, are done via mobile devices. With almost everyone owning a smartphone today, as well as plenty of job-hunting apps available, it is imperative that you optimize your online job application form for mobile. If you don’t do that, chances are that you will lose a large number of potential candidates.

If you want to optimize your online job application form for mobile users, reduce drop-down options and menus. This can help prevent bad user experience that could result in the users getting frustrated on their phones. In addition, you can offer resume uploading options, such as uploading their resume via their phones. Remember that if potential candidates cannot send their resumes from their mobile devices, this can make them abandon completing your application.

5. Reduce redundancy

Again, try as much as possible not to ask potential candidates to re-enter resume details they have already submitted in their resume. This can be very frustrating for the applicants, and chances are that a high number of candidates will abandon the application.

6. Provide your applicants with status updates

Another way you can optimize your online job application process is by giving applicants status updates. These applicants want more than the usual “Thank you for completing our application.” You need to update your applicants in each of the application reviewing processes as this can keep them engaged and more likely to remember your company.

It is important to let the applicants know when their job application has been received and when it is being reviewed. You can also notify the applicants when you are reaching out to their references. This can go a long way in making your company stand out and make the applicants more willing to work in your company.

7. Ask for feedback

Finally, another perfect way to optimize your online job application and make it better is to ask and respond to feedback. Of course, applicants who have gone through your application are more likely to have quality criticism. By receiving their honest feedback, you are able to improve your online job application in one way or another. So the best thing you can do is to integrate a particular process that can help you obtain feedback from your applicants. To create a strong resume you need to follow these things, You can also use a online tool to make a perfect resume for you.

Final thoughts

As a company, if you are looking for ways to attract high-quality candidates, you must ensure that your online job application form is adequately optimized. The tips mentioned above can easily help you achieve that. By implementing these tips, you will see the difference it can make to your online job application- you will be able to attract the right candidates for your respective vacant positions.