Moving Your Business Abroad: 7 Reasons to Invest in Employee Wellness

Employee Wellness

Deciding to move your business abroad is not a decision to take lightly. There are several reasons to move your business overseas. Interestingly, many company owners already realized this, especially after the global pandemic which has destroyed the normal way of doing business.

Once you have decided to move to greener pastures, you should strongly consider investing in the wellness of your employees. There are so many benefits to implementing these programs; below are the top seven.

Benefits of Investing in Employee Wellness

#1: Attracts Local Talent

Anyone who has ever moved a business abroad will know that not all of their current employees wanted to do that. You will need to be respectful of each employee’s decision and face the fact that you will likely need to hire some new staff once you’re on the other side.

By offering comprehensive employee wellness programs, your company will attract the best of the local talent that country has to offer.

#2: Increases Employee Loyalty

For the employees that have taken the leap of faith with you, why not reward their unwavering loyalty with some fantastic staff perks? Multiple studies show that employees who feel cared for and appreciated, are over 70% more likely to staff within an organization than their less valued counterparts.

If your business only focuses on customer loyalty programs then it is time to re-evaluate your priorities – your employees should always come first, and then they can put your customers first.

#3: Boosts Morale

Employees around the world have felt the massive ripple effects of the pandemic, including on their job security. The crippling stress this has caused has done a serious number on staff morale. Employee wellness programs are a proven strategy for boosting moods and all-round employee morale, you just need to find the perfect fit for your organization.

It is best to wait until your business has relocated abroad, only then will you be able to pick the program that works best for your employees and their self-development.

#4: Manage Employee Health

You need to strongly consider offering international health insurance to your employees, contact a reputable company like Aetna International to assess the requirements for your business. By consistently offering different ways for your employees to manage their health and the health of their families, you will notice a drastic reduction in their overall stress levels.

#5: Reduces Absenteeism

When employee wellness programs combine to create a whole fantastic employment package, your absenteeism rates are likely to halve. This is due to several factors, namely through being able to maintain their health, but also because of the morale boost that is achieved through these types of programs.

Employees who feel valued and appreciated are far less likely to skip workdays or abuse their sick leave. Make the change, both your company output and your H.R Department will thank you later.

#6: Improve Productivity

There is no doubt that your productivity levels will increase after implementing a tailored employee wellness program. The amount it will increase depends on the type of benefits that you offer to your teams.

Some of the perks you could offer may seem counterproductive, like nap breaks or on-site massage therapists, but the truth is that when your employees are frazzled, they are not working as efficiently as they should be. By offering them just 20 minutes of downtime, you could ensure that they are at their best for the rest of the day – you can’t argue with that.

#7: Boosts Your Company’s Culture

If you’ve never heard of the company culture concept, then you need to research it right away. There is a distinct and direct correlation between your company’s culture and its overall success. The businesses that have learned to focus on this area and dedicate entire departments to the upliftment of the culture within their organizations have had the most success.

Think of companies like Google, Intuit, and FitBit – what do these businesses have in common? The answer is success and excellent employee wellness programs – this is not a coincidence. Look after your employees and they will look after you. I know it might seem unnecessary at first, especially if you ignore all of the evidence to the contrary, but it will soon start to pay off.

Final Note

There are so many different kinds of incentives that you could offer your employees, the best way to take a step forward would be to compile a list of benefits and perks that you are prepared to offer and then put it to a vote.

Employee wellness programs are an expense at first, but they will pay off hugely in the long run so just be patient and stick with them. Be kind, be considerate and be understanding – there is no better way to approach the subject.