How You Can Build Your Brand’s Online Presence

Online Presence

Every business was forced to take a long hard look at their digital strategy when the world locked down back in March 2020. It did not matter how big the company or what sector they operated in, everyone needed to up their online game and quickly.

Now, things are starting to go back to normal. We have seen brick and mortar stores and locations re-open, and people are finally starting to go back to the office. However, we know that digital is the future, and we will continue to see more and more businesses prioritizing their online efforts.

If you are a new business just starting out, then you must remember that you are going to be going up against some fierce competition. There are so many different elements to consider when you are launching a business, and you will have your focus being pulled in a thousand different directions at any one time.

However, your online presence and strategy are something that you cannot afford to neglect, and it is not something that you can leave until the last minute. Here are a few tips to help you make sure that your online presence is working for you.

1. Work On Your Website

First things first, you need to have a website that you are happy with. With the competition as fierce as it is right now, you need to remember that your potential customers and clients are not going to waste their time on a page that seems anonymous, poorly designed, or difficult to use.

Do not put together a simple templated placeholder and tell yourself that you will update it when you have time. Create something that reflects your brand persona right out of the gate to let people know what you are all about.

2. SEO Is Crucial, But So Is Quality

Most people have a basic working knowledge of what SEO is and why it is essential. However, it is important to remember that Google is always updating its algorithm, and what may have been true a few years ago may no longer be the case.

You cannot simply fill an article with keywords. You need to make sure that you are factoring in user experience and avoiding anything that could be interpreted as spam. What you need to be creating is content that demonstrates your experience and expertise.

Think about what kind of questions your target audience may have and what subjects they would like more information on. You should also consider what kind of media you could offer in addition to your written content, such as video or audio content.

If you’re not a technical person to do SEO own then, you can hire a SEO company that will do all things for you like Online Optimism.

3. Think About Your Advertising

Raising awareness of your new brand is one of the biggest challenges you will face when launching a business. There is always going to be the temptation to spend big on advertising, to go as big as you can, and hope for the best. However, you are likely to have considerably more success at a much more reasonable price by working on a more focused campaign.

Work up some customer profiles and think about which platforms you will have the most success with. For example, if it is difficult to convey what makes your business special with visuals or a short video, don’t waste your time on a campaign on Instagram or TikTok.

However, you are going to need to find a way to create an eye-catching advertisement for your company, and this is where product advertisement software can make a big difference. Creatopy allows you to automate your work with powerful tools, helping you to design smoother, smarter, and faster.

4. Use Your Social Media

We all know that no business can really operate without a social media presence. This has been especially important over the last couple of years, as open and prompt communication with customers and clients has been essential. However, many business owners still see social media as a duty that can be shuffled off to the end of the week, or something that can delegated to the team member who currently has the least amount of work on their plate.

We have all been spending a lot more time online in recent months, and as a result, customers are a lot savvier about the way that businesses use these channels. If you want your social media to work for you, then you need to dedicate enough time to it to make it a success. Think about how you can most effectively convey your brand identity and your expertise through these channels.

Be active and engage with your followers and address issues of the day that they may be concerned about, such as climate change or public policy. You cannot afford to be anonymous on social media.

5. Get Your Customer Service Up To Speed

Similarly, good customer service is always a core component of any successful business. These days, there are so many ways that unhappy customers can make their displeasure heard. As a new company, it is vital that you avoid getting your brand name out there for the wrong reasons this early. You can start by adding an AI chatbot to your website homepage to address any frequently asked questions and improve the odds of people staying on your site for longer.

You should also make sure that it is programmed to alert an employee if necessary. You should monitor your social media channels regularly and ensure that there are clear directions for queries and complaints on your web page.

It might also be a good idea to feature customer reviews on your site. That will not only help you address displeasure locally but will also encourage potential customers to want to trust your brand based on the good reviews on your website.

Prompt service and delivery are also hugely important. If your business ships packages, make sure that you find a courier service that you can rely on. There are reports of widespread driver shortages, so ask tough questions of your courier. Ideally, both you and the customer should be able to track the progress of any delivery.

If you are worried that you may not have the time to properly monitor all communications, then you may want to think about bringing in a dedicated customer service manager.