How to Start a Freelance Writing Business

Freelance Writing Business

The freelance writing business is suited for people who desire the flexibility to work from anywhere to fit their lifestyle goals. Most writing today needs a computer, a good internet connection, and writing software. As much as the internet is a significant entertainment source for people, the primary way of delivering content is through written work.

Becoming a full-time freelance writer is not an impossible task and, in this article, we will discuss a solid plan for you to get started and prepared for freelance writing business. Without further ado, let us discuss some of the easiest ways to create a freelance writing business.

1. Decide to act

Until you make the primary step to venture into writing, you will be overly preoccupied with wishful thinking. No reading or learning will prepare you to write if you do not take the initiative to start. Commit to making time every day to grow your business. If you do not decide to act, you will be stuck in the same position a few months down the line. Action is the way to get things done.

It is as easy as sitting behind a keyboard and putting one word behind another.

2. Get some training

You do not need a Bachelor’s Degree in English for you to start as a freelancer. However, if you start your work from scratch, you need to get some formal training to produce the start’s best work.

If you do not have the money or time to join a university, you can check out professional services by for the best training and custom essay writing guidance. Online writing courses are way more affordable than degree courses and give you better time value. They are flexible, and you can learn at your own time.

English major jobs are very well-paying contrary to popular opinion. Another field of study that can hone your English writing skills is humanities. They flex your rhetoric muscles and make you a much more substantial writer with excellent soft skills that clients desire.

You can also join an online editing community like ScriptMother to get feedback on your content but also edit others to strengthen your own skills.

3. Start Pitching

If you do not have any work samples, it might not be easy to showcase your writing prowess. However, you need to apply and pitch for gigs even if you do not have a portfolio. Everyone starts as a beginner. There are ways you can showcase your prowess. Apply to write short memoirs and well-thought-out essays for anyone who cares to listen. Most clients are concerned that you have sample work. They do not care much who it was presented to.

4. Showcase your Portfolio

If you have an online portfolio, editors can check and correct your work and give constructive feedback. An online portfolio does not need to be fancy. Even a static site with a template can do. You can use platforms such as Contently. It is a clean and digital showcase that can land you many clients. The platform matches editors, writers, clients, and content creators based on their skill sets. Another great way to showcase your work and grow a following is by starting a blog. With a blog, your readers have more samples of your work to review and get a gist of your writing style. Clients look into your skills and creativity when assessing your work.

Imposter syndrome is a thing in business, and a blog will make you feel legit. Ensure you have a strong presence on your social media to give you further exposure to interested audiences.

5. Networking

Most people are drawn into freelancing with the idea that they need to get away from a noisy and crowded office environment. However, on the contrary, it is through networking that one can land significant clients. You can stumble upon gainful projects from family members and even gym counterparts, which will broaden your horizons and experiences.

Do not belittle any social spheres in writing but instead get actively involved and increase them.

6. Prepare for the unexpected

Working for yourself is a relentless and funny world. You might end up having irregular working hours, uncontrolled refrigerator access, and erratic income.

It would help if you prepared yourself financially on managing expenses and income flow. You will be paying for your healthcare and funding your retirement. Clients come and go even for the best writers, so make sure you have built a sustainable cushion for yourself to avoid those dry streaks.

Becoming a good writer requires dedication, curiosity, and a pathological insensitivity to rejection. And of course, a lot of luck! The road is not easy, but it is a road worth taking.

7. Find out how you will get paid

This seems obvious, but it can be a hurdle when starting. Once you have found a client, you need to work out a way on the money transfer. Freelancers gave up on paper checks, and the standard payment method is through online invoices. There are several ways to get paid, such as Payoneer, Skrill, and PayPal. You need to track your payments and utilize invoice generators. 

You can also keep it simple by detailing your invoice in a Word document and emailing it to your client.

8. Have a plan to find more jobs

You will learn along the way that even though you already have enough work to get you by, you should always be on the lookout for more work. You never know when a client might suddenly stop emailing you or cut down their posts from 3 a month to once a month. This happens all the time, so plan to have many freelancing clients. You can reduce low-paying clients and take up higher-paying clients to free up some time. With time, you will be able to secure enough high-quality gigs to get you going in the freelancing space.

Starting as a freelance writer does not need a lot of capital. You only need a computer, time and skill. It might be challenging but is also very rewarding. It can help you move past the broken stage. Furthermore, it is motivating and inspires you to contribute to society at the comfort of your home.