Top Companies Fighting Climate Change and Promoting Sustainability

Top Companies Fighting Climate Change and Promoting Sustainability

Climate change is a leading concern for citizens the world over as global temperatures continue to rise and lives are seriously threatened on all continents. While all individual efforts to curb the impact of man-made climate change are valued and valuable, it is also undeniable that businesses have a much larger pollutive influence.

The court of public opinion is one factor amongst many that are inspiring businesses to properly reckon with their carbon emissions. Between consumer decisions and government legislation, going green means more than sustainability. It also means a sustainable future for businesses. 

But which businesses are paving the way when it comes to industry change? Keep reading as we highlight some of them in this article.

7 Companies Supporting Climate Change and Sustainability

1. Vista

The aviation industry is one of the biggest-polluting industries globally, accounting for nearly 2.5% of all greenhouse emissions according to a report by the Environmental and Energy Study Institute. The report also likens the figure to national emissions statistics, illustrating that the volume of emissions is close to that of Japan.

Aviation as an industry has a long journey before reaching carbon neutrality, let alone carbon positivity. However, there are private enterprises paving the way for accountability, technological investment, and carbon offset standards. 

Vista is one such equitable enterprise, with its own sustainability investments and programs designed to alter the future of private aviation for the better.

2. Beyond Meat

Food and agriculture are far and away the most impactful in our society when it comes to carbon emissions and pollution. Today, livestock accounts for almost a third of all methane emissions – a much more dangerous greenhouse gas with regard to the greenhouse effect. 

As such, new enterprises in the food industry are invariably having to engage with the impacts of this, as pressures mount to address both industrial practice and consumer habits.

Beyond Meat, then, is a trailblazing organization that seeks to disrupt the industry altogether. Its innovations in meatless meat products have revolutionized a previously-stigmatized corner of the market, producing viable alternatives to popular meat products and paving the way to a less pollutive international diet.

3. Pangaia

Pangaia is a fashion brand with global reach that has broken new ground with regard to material sustainability and recyclability. Fast fashion has been one of the defining excesses of the e-commerce era, representing millions upon millions of dollars’ worth of organic and synthetic materials wasted on cheap products or otherwise sent to landfill. 

Major brands rely heavily on sweatshops in other continents to meet high demand, at the expense of quality.

Pangaia, though, seeks to reduce the waste inherent to fashion by engineering materials built to last. Their materials are born of bio-engineering, in attempts to replace carbon-costly and unsustainable materials with plant-based alternatives whether duck down or cotton denim. 

The company is B-Corp certified and set to make serious waves as public opinion continues to shift towards a sustainable future.

4. Tesla

Tesla is a company that produces electric vehicles and sustainable energy solutions, with the goal of accelerating the transition to sustainable energy. Their products are designed to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and minimize carbon emissions. 

Tesla is also investing in renewable energy solutions, such as solar panels and energy storage systems. All of which are showing the company’s involvement in driving climate change and sustainability. 

5. Unilever

Unilever is a consumer goods company that has committed to reducing its carbon footprint and increasing its use of sustainable materials in its products. They have set a target to become carbon positive by 2030 and to achieve 100% recyclable packaging by 2025. 

Unilever is also working to improve the sustainability of its supply chain, including sustainable sourcing of raw materials.

6. Patagonia

Patagonia is a clothing company that has made a commitment to sustainable production practices and reducing its impact on the environment. They use recycled materials in many of their products, and have set a target to become carbon neutral by 2025. Patagonia also donates 1% of its sales to environmental causes.

7. IKEA 

IKEA has committed to becoming climate positive by 2030, and is investing in renewable energy, sustainable materials, and circular business models to achieve this goal. They have also set a target to use 100% renewable energy in their operations by 2025, and are working to reduce waste and improve the sustainability of their supply chain.

Final Note on Climate Change and Sustainability

All of the companies mentioned are taking significant steps to support climate change and sustainability. They are making commitments to reduce their carbon footprints, invest in renewable energy and sustainable materials, and improve the sustainability of their supply chains.

One common theme among these companies is their commitment to using renewable energy. Many of them have set targets to use 100% renewable energy in their operations, and are investing in renewable energy solutions such as solar panels and wind turbines. 

This not only reduces their carbon footprint but also helps to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy on a global scale.