How to Start Blog and Make Passive Income from It

If this is your first time on this site, we would like to welcome you. For those of you who are returning visitors, thank you for coming back. We appreciate your support and the trust that you’ve put in us. Today, we’ll be showing you how to start making passive income blogging. The concept of making money from a blog can be a little overwhelming if you are new to it.

Do you want to make passive income online instead of working 9-5 on a job you hate? Do you want to feel free, have time for your family and friends, travel, and work in your pajamas? If so, you need to start a blog.

With this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to get started making passive income blogging without technical skills.

Can I Make Passive Income Blogging?

Blogging is a great way to make passive income. The only problem is that most people give up before making money. They think it’s too hard, so they leave after the first month. But you’re a smart investor, so you know it takes time to grow an income-producing asset.

Blogging can take up a lot of time. You need to set aside time every day or week to write new posts and promote them online. It’s easy at first when everything is fresh in your mind, but if you ever stop writing regularly for a month or two (or longer), there will be no one checking back on your site anymore unless they happen across one of those old articles while searching Google or browsing Facebook.

So, before you start blogging, you should consider your personal situation before deciding whether or not it’s the right choice for you.

What Kind of Blog Should I Start to Make Money

There are literally hundreds of different topics you can write about. The hardest part is to choose one and make it work. Your success as a blogger comes only after you create a blog that people will find genuinely useful or entertaining. You should always ask yourself: What kind of blog can I start that can truly solve a problem for people?

There are different areas and niches you can direct your blog. Some popular niches are fashion, food, sports, travel, lifestyle, parenting, gaming, health fitness, etc. So, if you are serious about making passive income blogging, you need to know which area to go to!

How to Start Blog and Make Passive Income Blogging

Starting a blog is one of the best ways to start making passive income. The first step is to pick a niche you are passionate about and can write about for hours without getting tired. You will also need to choose a domain name, hosting company, and template or theme that is easy to use.

To make this easier for you, here is a comprehensive guide to put you through:

#1: Pick a niche

Picking a niche for your blog is the most important step in starting a blog. Deciding on a niche will help you create content, get readers and make money.

A lot of people start blogging because they want to make money, but if you don’t have an idea of what your audience wants, then you won’t be able to meet their needs.

The best way to pick a niche is to think about what excites you or what you’re passionate about. If you love sports and want to share your knowledge with other people who love sports, too, then that’s going to be a great niche for you.

If there’s one aspect of the niche that really attracts you, then focus on that aspect while also making sure there’s enough room for growth within the niche.

However, when choosing a niche for your blog, it should also have little competition so that people will find what they’re looking for when they come across one of your posts. If there are already many great resources available on the topic, then it may be difficult for someone new to gain ground in the space.

#2: Choose a domain name

Your domain name is your brand. It’s how people will find your blog, and it’s how they’ll remember it. The domain name is also the URL that people will type into their browsers to get to your site. It’s kind of like the address on an envelope, but for the internet.

Think of a few words that describe your blog, and then try to find them as a domain name. If there are no available domains, try something similar to those words.

For example, if you’re writing a blog about how to make money blogging, you might want to take out the ‘how’ and call it “make money blogging.” The easier it is to remember (and spell!), the more likely you’ll be able to attract readers!

#3: Choose a hosting company

Choosing a hosting company is one of the most important aspects of starting a blog. You want to make sure that your host has the capabilities to support your site’s needs and that they’re reliable and flexible enough to handle anything that might come up in the future.

First, take a look at what kind of traffic your blog will receive. If you have no idea how many people might visit it, just choose a hosting company with good customer service. That way, if you end up needing more resources than they offer, they can help you out.

Then think about what types of features you’ll need on your website. Will you be using any plugins? Will you have an e-commerce store on the side? Do you need lots of storage space? Make sure that the answers are “yes” before signing up with any company.

After those two things are taken care of, it’s time to look at pricing plans! The most important thing to remember here is that bigger isn’t always better when it comes to hosting plans. Sometimes smaller plans will cost less money but give you just as much power over your site as larger ones would (and sometimes even more!).

You also want to choose a hosting company that offers up-time guarantees so that if anything goes wrong with their servers—and it happens sometimes—they’ll be able to get your site back up and running quickly.

#4: Set up your content management platform

The next thing on the list of how to start a blog and make passive income from it is choosing which CMS to use. We recommend choosing one that’s easy to use and maintain. A good CMS will make your life easier by allowing you to focus on writing engaging content instead of worrying about technical details like hosting and security issues.

We recommend WordPress as the best option for most bloggers because it’s free (or paid) and easy to use, with a large community available for support. It can also be hosted anywhere, has hundreds of plugins available for extra functionality like email marketing automation tools or social media integrations, and there are tons of themes available for customization without needing any coding knowledge whatsoever!

#5: Choose your template or theme

The next step is to choose an attractive template or theme. You can use free themes, but it’s better if you pay for one. This way, you don’t have to spend time coding or making the site look good, and it will be more professional-looking too.

You should also check whether the theme is responsive so that it can be viewed on all devices – desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets without any problems. A responsive template means that all pages adapt themselves based on what kind of device is accessing them.

For example, if someone visits your website using their phone, then they will see a version of your website specifically designed for mobile viewing (and vice versa). It makes life easier for everyone and ensures they get the best possible experience from your blog regardless of what device they use!

#6: Conduct keyword research

Keyword research is the first step to creating a successful blog. When you’re looking to start a blog, you need to figure out what people are searching for. This will help you tailor your content to their needs and interests.

You can conduct keyword research using Google Keyword Planner or by using a tool like Yoast. You’ll want to pick keywords that are relevant to what your blog is about. And ones that have some traffic potential but aren’t too competitive yet.

Once you conduct keyword research and find some good keywords, it’s time to start writing!

#7: Start writing your posts

Start writing your posts

Creating content for your blog is the most important thing you can do. Without it, your blog won’t get any traffic and won’t be able to make money. That’s why you can’t afford to joke with that aspect.

You have to write something that’s going to be interesting enough to keep people reading! You can use any style of writing that makes sense for your audience. Just remember that if they’re not reading anymore, it was probably because they got bored somewhere along the way!

If you find yourself struggling with this part, try using simple language and avoiding big words or phrases that might confuse readers (like “the big bad wolf”).

And if you think writing is not your thing, don’t let that stop you from starting a blog and earning passive income from it. Just outsource your writing to professionals or freelancers who know how to do it.

#8: Promote your blog

Once you’ve started your blog, the next step is to promote it. But how? The first thing you should do is make sure that your website is easy to find. You want people to be able to find your site and read what you have to say.

You can do this by creating quality and SEO-friendly content on your blog. Take your keyword research very seriously, and put every effort into writing content that will easily rank on search engines.

Once you’ve got all of that squared away, you can start promoting yourself online! This is where social media comes in. Most people will find out about your blog through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And if they like what they see there, they may decide to check out your blog too!

Another great way to promote yourself online is through email newsletters and email marketing campaigns. This way, people will get updates about all new content on their favorite blogs without having to constantly check back for updates!

5 Legit Ways to Earn Passive Income Blogging

Before we round up on this topic of how to start blog and make passive income from it, we should say something about this. Below, let’s see some legit ways you can earn passive income from blogging.

Buy a blog for passive income

Buying a blog is one of the best ways to make passive income blogging. You can buy a blog that has already been established and start earning revenue from it. Buying a blog will allow you to get started quickly with your new website venture without having to learn how to build one from scratch.

In addition, buying an existing site means that there is already some traffic coming in and people reading what’s published there – so when you take over, those numbers will likely increase!

Start an evergreen digital products blog

Evergreen blogs are those that have content that can be used over and over again, such as tutorials or guides. These types of blogs tend to do well on social media. They’re easy to share and re-share, which helps people find them in the future when they need the information.

Some examples of evergreen digital products blogs include:

  • Tutorials: How-to guides on how to make something or use something like software or an appliance
  • Guides: Tips and tricks for using a specific product or service
  • Reviews: Reviews of products or services with tips on how to use them effectively

Consider automated blogging

Automated blogging is a method of posting articles or blog posts on a regular basis without having to write every single one. You can use this method in two ways: you can either have the articles written for you by someone else or have software do it for you.

Create a directory or forum-based blog

A directory or forum-based blog is exactly what it sounds like: a site where people can post information about their services and products in order to find new customers. It’s a great option if you want to earn money online but don’t want to deal with the stress of running an e-commerce business.

The best part? You don’t need any special skills or training—just the desire to help others and share your expertise!

Create an affiliate site

Affiliate sites are websites that earn money by sending traffic to other websites and earning a commission when that traffic makes a purchase. The beauty of this approach is that you don’t need to create content or manage the website yourself.

You can simply set up an account with a hosting provider, sign up for an affiliate program, and then promote products through your affiliate link. It’s pretty much the easiest way to get started with passive income.

Conclusion How to Start Blog and Make Passive Income from It

That’s all you need to get started! Remember that blogging can be a great way to make money from your passion and interests. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any experience in writing or speaking; the only thing that matters is getting things right and acting fast.

If you are still asking how to start blog and make passive income from it, these tips will get you started on a good foot.