5 Ways to Protect Your Company’s Data and Network

Data Protect

Over the past few years, the number of online data breaches and cybercriminal activities has grossly increased. In 2020, more than 800 million people worldwide were directly and indirectly affected by a data breach. Besides, with more businesses conducting themselves online today, business file sharing on the rise and cybercriminals daily developing advanced tools to penetrate supposedly secure computer networks, more people are bound to suffer breaches this year and beyond.

As a business owner, you don’t want to joke with the security of your computer network so you don’t fall victim to cyber-attack. Ensuring the security of your company’s data and the network goes beyond just using basic security measures like anti-malware and antivirus. In this post, we have provided some other 5 effective ways you can protect your company’s data and network from malicious cybercriminals.

Ways to Protect Your Company’s Data and Network

#1: Use Triofox

If you really care about data security, using Triofox should be one of the first things that come to mind. Most of us are familiar with how VPN (virtual private network) works. It encrypts internet connections and data transfer via your networks. Using a VPN is a good way of protecting yourself and your data from cyber-attack until recently when some VPNs were reported to give loopholes to attacks. That is where Triofox comes in handy.

Triofox is a VPN alternative solution that makes your company’s network even more secure. It comes with a built-in feature that disconnects hardware from your network when a protected connection is lost, hence protecting you from unexpected data leaks, virus, malware, or ransomware attack. Using Triofox will allow your employees to securely work from home or use Wi-Fi during business trips without compromising your company’s sensitive data.

If you are looking for the best solution to ensuring data security, you should check it out to see what benefits it has for your company.

#2: Implement IP Whitelisting

IP whitelisting is another way to prevent unauthorized data access. In the bid to protect your company’s sensitive data, it is critical that you only allow access to your data from devices that belong to specific IP ranges. That is what IP whitelisting helps you to achieve. It limits and controls access to only trusted users and devices.

You will need to create a list of trusted IP addresses from which your employees can access your network. That means only trusted users within a specific IP address range will be granted permission to access certain network resources such as applications, URLs, email, and more.

#3: Regularly update security patches

This is a very important step to prevent unauthorized access to your company’s data. That is because security patches are what help manage vulnerabilities in operating systems, software, drivers, etc which hackers might want to use to gain access to your device and data. For instance, security patches for operating systems like Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux can have severe consequences. So you need to regularly update software applications and drivers immediately there are new patches.

For instance, the WannaCry virus attack that happened recently took down more than 400, 000 computer systems across 150 nations. It was regarded as one of the most severe attacks the world has experienced. The virus attacked the vulnerability in the Windows SMB V1 protocol. Interestingly, security patches for these vulnerabilities have been made available long before the attack was launched but many users choose to neglect it and didn’t update their security patches.

Therefore, regularly updating your security patches will prevent giving unauthorized access to the wrong person.

#4: Use IPS or IDS

IPS and IDS are both effective ways to detect and prevent threats to your network and data. IDS (intrusion detection system) will help you detect any attackers such as worms or malware while IPS (intrusion prevention system) will prevent attacks by blocking unauthorized IP addresses, restricting malicious data, and alerting you of any potential security threats.

#5: Ensure anti-malware protection

Malware is one of the most dreadful issues affecting several computer systems. Malware is software designed to infiltrate or attack your computer without your consent. Some common types of malware attacks are Trojan horses, worms, computer viruses, spyware, and scareware. Malware can be present on emails, hidden in attachments, and on websites. The primary thing they do is to give hackers easy and unauthorized access to your devices or that of your employee on your network.

Therefore you need to ensure anti-malware protection to keep your company’s data safe.

Final note

These are some of the ways you can ensure protection for your company’s data and network as a business owner. Use a VPN, consider IP whitelisting, update security patches regularly, and use a reliable security solution for Windows file server online sharing. Implementing all of these will go a long way to ensure the security of your company’s data and network.