5 Mistakes That Most Marketers Make While Guest Posting

5 Mistakes That Most Marketers Make While Guest Posting

Guest posting services can work wonders for your business when done correctly. Unfortunately, many marketers and SEO professionals make numerous mistakes while guest posting.

Guest posting means you’re writing something for another website or blog in exchange for getting your website link published there. So you can’t make it too promotional. After all, it’s not your blog. You’ve to follow certain rules and guidelines as specified by the blog admin for this purpose.

You’d be surprised to know many startups and businesses fail because of a lack of focus. The same goes for guest posting, too. Whenever you write, do it sincerely. It may take hours, and sometimes even days, to write a good post.

Don’t be in a hurry to finish a guest post; rather, focus on making it a high-quality one. If you rush, you may end up messing it up. Besides hurrying, there are many other types of mistakes that marketers make. You need not repeat them!

Here are the top mistakes to avoid while guest posting

1. Submitting Topics or Titles That Are Already Published

No matter what product or service you sell, blog editors and admins are scared of repeated themes. Before submitting your guest post, having a glance at the blog site can be brilliant. It’s even better if you make use of the search button on the blog site to search for some recent articles published with the focused keywords that you intend to use in your guest post.

For example, if you sell fashionable outfits, look at some recently published articles on fashionable outfits. The idea is not to repeat a topic or title that is already published. For example, suppose the site already published an article on the top five winter outfits. In that case, you should try something else-Six reasons why summer fashion may not work in winter-articles with similar topics or themes may not get approved.

2. Not Paying Attention to Blog Guidelines

Writing a guest post is not easy. It never was. Before you start writing a blog post, paying attention to the blog guidelines is always better. You’ll find it on the guest blog site, or you can directly ask for it from the blog admin or editor. You can also hire a Guest posting services agency for help. They have collaborations with several high-quality blogs and have the necessary style guides.

Most probably, if you’ve read the blog guidelines correctly, you can easily publish your guest blog on the guest site. Even blog owners love publishing articles and blogs that adhere to the guidelines.

3. Losing Hope Due to Rejection

Guest posting is a tedious process. Some blog sites may turn down your guest blogging request or reject your article. In such a case, many marketers or professionals lose hope and stop writing guest posts. But it’s a big mistake.

Blog owners can deny publishing your guest posts for numerous reasons. However, it doesn’t mean you should stop trying. There are tons of websites where you can get your blog post published. If some guest blogs don’t publish your post, don’t think too much about them. You can still resubmit your rejected guest posts to other sites for review.

4. Not Knowing for Whom You’re Writing

A great blog post should be complete in all respects. It needs to be unique, informative, creative, and goal-oriented. Besides, the guest blog should resonate with the site’s target audience. For example, if the guest site mainly features fashion-related articles, you can’t write about IT gadgets here!

There is a logic behind it. Readers visit this site to learn about fashion trends and outfits; it’s not right to pitch them IT products or gadgets. That’s why it’s always essential to know the niche of the guest site before you submit your post there. However, if the guest site or blog publishes on multiple topics and you can see various categories on it, you’re free to submit your guest post on any relevant topic of your choice relating to your business niche with a backlink to your website.

5. Not Optimizing CTA Button (Backlink)

If you are not optimizing the CTA button in the guest blog that you are writing, it’s a big mistake. Depending upon the site’s guidelines, you can get your backlink published either in the body of the content or in the author bio. Wherever you place the link, it should make sense. Don’t insert a link just for the sake of it. The keyword in which you insert the link should be relevant to your business.

Summing Up

Guest posting is an effective way to enhance your online visibility while bringing new users to your site. First, however, you should do it properly. There are multiple ways through which you can optimize your guest posting strategy. But you’ve to remain watchful of the common mistakes that most marketers make during guest posting.